Why We Stand with Hillary Clinton!

ProChoice Voter  is proud to announce its endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton is the first presidential candidate in years, and possibly the only one ever, who counts women’s health among her top priorities. Her words translate into action, and her leadership translates into results.  Hillary is the only candidate who has made women’s reproductive rights a cornerstone of her campaign.

Hillary Clinton has: 

  1.  Spoken out against the nomination of anti-choice judges;
  2.  Opposed legislation that would take away women’s legal protections;
  3.  Co-sponsored legislation to suspend the global gag rule;
  4.  Stood up to the Bush Administration to win approval for access to emergency contraception, waging a three-year battle to make Plan B contraception available over the counter to those in need;
  5.  Sponsored the Prevention First Act to expand family planning services to low-income women and require health insurance companies to cover contraception; and
  6.  Championed legislation to ensure that rape victims receive the medical care they need. (For more information on Hillary’s lengthy list of accomplishments, visit: Correct the Record and Politico.)

Why we say “no” to Bernie Sanders: His campaign says, and he says, that he is 100% pro-choice.  ProChoice Voter believes that but  — and it is a Big But — he is Not A Leader.

With Hillary Clinton, we have the opportunity to put Choice and women back in the game, center stage. We need a Leader – not someone (Bernie Sanders) who referred to Trump’s statement that women should be punished for having abortions as a “distraction” from “a serious discussion about the serious issues facing America.” [1] (Please note: all three Republican candidates want to make abortion illegal.)

At a time when one Supreme Court justice seat is open and possibly two more Supreme Court justices may retire, it is more important than ever that we elect a president who considers women’s reproductive health a top-tier issue.  We firmly believe that former Secretary of State and Senator Hillary Clinton is that person!

Stand with Hillary!

Remember the Democratic Primary in New York State is Tuesday, April 19th.  Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

[1] CNN Politics http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/31/politics/donald-trump-abortion-hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders/

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